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Manual testing


Manual testing is testing, where the tester can test the application without any knowledge of any programming language. In manual testing, the test engineer tests the application like a user to make it bug-free or stable.

Automation testing is a process of changing any manual test case into the test scripts by using automation testing tools, and scripting or programming language is called automation. Automation testing is used to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and coverage of Software testing.

Manual Testing Vs Automation testing

• Manual Testing is done manually by QA analysts (Human) whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code and automation tools (computer) by a tester.

• Manual Testing process is not accurate because of the possibilities of human errors whereas the Automation process is reliable because it is code and script-based.

• Manual Testing is a time-consuming process whereas Automation Testing is very fast.

• Manual Testing is possible without programming knowledge whereas Automation Testing is not possible without programming knowledge.

• Manual Testing allows random Testing whereas Automation Testing doesn’t allow random Testing.

Manual Testing Advantages and Disadvantages


a. Get fast and accurate visual feedback.

b. It is less expensive as you don't need to spend your budget for the automation tools and process

c. While testing a small change, an automation test would require coding which could be time-consuming. While you could test manually on the fly.


a. Less reliable testing method because it's conducted by a human. Therefore, it is always prone to mistakes & errors.

b. The manual testing process can't be recorded, so it is not possible to reuse the manual test.

c. In this testing method, certain tasks are difficult to perform manually which may require an additional time of the software testing phase.

Automated Testing Advantages and Disadvantages


a. Automation tests can find more bugs compared to a human tester.

b. It is a speedy and efficient process.

c. As the automation process can be recorded, we can reuse and execute the same kind of testing operations.

d. Automated testing is conducted using software tools, so it works without tiring and fatigue unlike humans in manual testing!

e. Fast & accurate testing result.


a. Without human element, it's difficult to get insight into visual aspects of your UI like colors, font, sizes, contrast or button sizes.

b. The tools to run automation testing can be expensive, which may increase the cost of the testing project.

c. Automation testing tool is not yet foolproof. Every automation tool has their limitations which reduces the scope of automation.

d. Debugging the test script is another major issue in the automated testing. Test maintenance is costly.

Automation testing or Manual testing, Which is better!

Automation testing will not replace manual testing. You need both manual and automation testing. Manual testing handles complex test cases, while automated testing handles simpler, more repetitive tests.


So, manual testing is still important. But adding automated testing makes your manual tests more efficient.


Surumi Riju

Friday, May 14, 2021