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Artificial Intelligence


**P2P Network in DLT

In our last blog, we had a quick start to DLT. Now let’s go deeper into the topic.

As you might know, in a traditional network model, the direction of communication starts with the client. Basically, the client makes a request and the server fulfills it. A simple explanation of all of our googling! On the contrary, as a decentralized technology, DLT allows a peer-to-peer (P2P) communication model.

In a P2P model, the hierarchical structure of client and server leaves its place to “a more democratic communication”. In P2P, each device (also called a node) can function in both roles, meaning that, they can both store, share, update the data, send files and requests to each other, work independently, and also simply connect with each other in a mutual network! As you can see, just like in DLT, there is no need for a “centralized control mechanism”.**

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In order to enable a P2P model, first, we need to change how we think of this communication process. Can we simply use our computers for such a network? Not really!

The first step to build a P2P network can be having a virtual system on your computer which allows you to do server-free interaction. Besides that, there is also another feature that differentiates P2P from traditional network communication. In P2P, when you make a request, the data you’ll get will not come from a single website or application but rather from a wide range of computers that are in the network.

But all the prementioned process brings up one question in mind: Will it be as fast as a server? It may not. As stated by prominent tech figures in the IT sector, it may slow down the process. However, the trade-off between security concerns and speed comes into the picture here. At this point, in which industry and case you are using blockchain and what you value the most gains more importance. We will take a look at this issue when analyzing blockchain applications in different industries.

Curious about what comes next? Stay tuned at Archi’s Blogs for the next week’s entry!

Ece  Metin Skill Test Trainer

Ece Metin

Friday, Jan 1, 2021