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In my previous blogs, I briefly explained the main definitions of Gamification and Flow Theory. Now, let’s dive deep into the topic by discussing game mechanics and game dynamics.

As we mentioned earlier, gamification can be simplified and defined as applying games mechanics and dynamics to different systems and processes to cultivate the expected behavior. To do that, we need to differentiate the “mechanics” in our system.

Game mechanics refers to the factors that stimulate the action forward. For example; a countdown mechanism in a game or application can stimulate the user or player to do a certain action. These mechanics help us manipulate the user’s behavior in the desired way. Another common example would be “levels”. Especially in learning systems, sports apps, and games, leveling mechanism makes users complete the given tasks and hence move to the “next level”. Source of motivation can come in various shapes by mechanics. Some other widely used mechanics are; transactions, rewards, bonuses, lottery, points, etc. In other words, they are the moving part of our concepts.

On the other hand, game dynamics refers to the main principles which affect the gamification design. Relationships -will the players compete or play as a team?-, narrations, stories, emotions are all the major game dynamics to consider before designing and determining the game mechanics. To clarify this issue, we can think of the “constraints” concept as a game dynamic and “countdown” as a constraint-type game mechanic.

Before designing any system or application, we must think through the dynamics first and then go on with the mechanics which will help us execute the dynamics. I hope this part of the “Gamification Blog Series” helped you differentiate the concepts in a broader sense. Hoping to see you in my next blog where we will explore gamification components, Octalysis Model, player/user types, and many more in gamified systems. Stay tuned!

Ece  Metin Skill Test Trainer

Ece Metin

Thursday, Nov 25, 2021