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Software Development


You joined the software industry, expecting that you will sit in front of your computer and code and design and find bugs and report projects. Well, you are in for a surprise!

Communication is a super important skill for software professionals and we have mentioned why so. Today, let us share why inclusive communication is a crucial thing for employees, and let us highlight two crucial reasons for it


Now, we know that everyone, literally everyone is talking about inclusion. However, you need to understand that the world is far from just and software industry has been one of the infamous industries where minority employees in terms of gender, race or identity have been mostly underrepresented! So, gear up and polish some skills of communication to include everyone in your verbal and non-verbal communication. In case you are wondering how you can be inclusive in your non-verbal communication, stay tuned for our next blogs!

  1. The technology bias

In case you do not know about what we are referring to, then let us enlighten you that software bias is a thing and refers to the scenario when tech products designed by majority members of the society are discriminatory for the minority members. The best (or worst?) example of this is the face recognition software. Ample research shows that majority of the face recognition tools misclassify people of colour on their gender (men being identified as women and/or vice versa), identity (mixing of races, sexualities and names) and age. This bias in the software industry has led to severe consequences in the past and steps which are taken are minuscule.

So the first and foremost step you can begin with is the way you communicate in and around yourself, because language shapes ideas and ideas my friend, shapes the world!


Prachi Thakur

Thursday, Dec 10, 2020