Archi's Academy


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Software Development


So you got your dream title in the software industry, and now you’re ready to give it back. Hence, you think of mentoring, which is an excellent idea!

At Archi’s, we believe that mentoring is an essential process for success and sustenance in the software industry. Therefore, we decided to highlight five essential criteria you should check off before you start taking mentees, as it is crucial not only for your growth but also for the people you are mentoring.

1.Take care of your needs, capacities and deliverables

First things first, are you aware of your needs, capacities and deliverables? Do you know why you need mentees? Moreover, how many hours can you dedicate each week? What are the qualities of mentees you are looking for? Are you suggesting them competence tests before you march them? Do you want to work with them in the future? Will you be available to attend to your mentees’ needs? Previous statements are some of the questions you should ask yourself before heading out to mentor people. These questions and their answers are essential not only because they will help you map a clear picture of your goals and outcomes from the process of mentoring, but will also assist you in being a better mentor!

2. Do not rescue people

You want to mentor people. So, you want to know what they have been doing, how they have been doing and what they plan to do ahead. That is good till it becomes micromanagement! Do remember that your mentees skilled people, they need your guidance but they do not need you to rescue them! So, no matter what happens, hold your thoughts if you see them becoming micromanagement! Your mentees will thank you later.

3. Do not belittle someone, keep the channel open for reverse mentoring

You were discussing an idea with your mentee, but they told you that you were wrong. What was your reaction? Are you open to criticism? Are you open to give your mentees a chance to be themselves? Are you open to take their suggestions?

Mentoring should be a two-way process. We understand that you want to assist people in their growth, but that does not mean that you will know everything better than them in every area! Keeping yourself open to suggestions criticism as well as new ideas will be better for your growth.

4. Imposter syndrome is real

you met a mentee but, they are frequently in doubt about their skills and competencies. Instead of belittling them, and their feelings, try to be more understanding of your power difference as well as their imposter feelings. It is quite possible that your position or your job profile might be daunting for your mentee. Developing a channel of communication which is comfortable and gives a space to your mentees will assist you in the better mentoring process.

5. Online mentoring is different

Do you have mentors mentees from across the world? Are you teaching them online? Are you guiding them through web channels? If you answered yes, then we are here to tell you that online mentoring is different from offline mentoring. When the situations were offline (when was it by the way?) you could see your mentors physically and evaluate their comfort in learning new tech in front of you, but as the software industry has gone mostly online, we would suggest you take a check on your speed as well as your modules. This is because in the case of online mentoring in the rate of confusion as well as misunderstanding is high therefore a rain check is prevention better than cure!

After you have checked all of these things off, we at Archi’s wish you all the best! Reach out to us in case you need any help!


Prachi Thakur

Thursday, Dec 10, 2020