Archi's Academy


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Software Development


Nowadays for some of us, the biggest hurdle in our lives is not being able to find our “niche”. Especially after a certain age, we start to realize the inevitable cliche of the early 30s: “I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life, but I don’t know what to do!”.

Yes, we hear you.

Especially in fast-paced industries like tech, the environments and tools will have already -seriously- changed until you decide what to do or even until you graduate from college! The same goes for people who took a career break. Even if it is a mandatory situation, that gap in your resume does not look good when combined with a lack of certain skills and knowledge even if you know that you are more capable than many others. Let’s face it.

At this point, most importantly, you will need some motivation to act. In addition to that, you will need some testing, evaluation, guidance, and mentorship to find what you are really good at and what fits your mindset and these should be more than “general brain picking”. Especially talking with an active industry expert who can see the sparkle in you and lead you through a career path would be the best investment you could make. Here is an immediate action point for you to start your career path in tech for real:

Take Archi's Skill Test today for free and see where you are. Moreover; Get an assessment call tell us what you want to do or let us help you with that!


As soon as you complete the test, our IT professionals will evaluate your results and have a zoom with you to get to know you better, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and clear all the questions in your mind about you and Archi’s.

Next step?

A clear cut learning program carefully tailored for your needs. A remote team of tech enthusiasts from more than 12 countries. 1-1 mentor for life. Live projects. Life long learning. Experience. Fun. Creating.


Do you want to learn more about Archi’s? Visit us today at

Archi’s Academy - Software Development, Mentoring and Skill Improvement

Your personal mentorship program to improve software development skills and process.

Ece  Metin Skill Test Trainer

Ece Metin

Monday, Jan 25, 2021