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Computer Science

API Documentation

What is an API?

API stands for application programming interface, an integral part of web development that appears in a multitude of ways in the programming world.

APIs are important to know and learn when working with everything from command-line tools, to Java code, to Ruby on Rails web applications, and everything in between. An API provides a platform to interact with separate software components or resources.

Google APIs allow developers to connect code to the whole range of Google services, such as Maps, Translate, or Google Calendar. APIs are so critical for Google’s operations and business model that they acquired Apigee, a leading API platform, to further optimize their APIs and make them more easily integrated for third-party clients who want to weave them into their programs.

Facebook APIs allow you to programmatically access Facebook’s social graph and marketing tools. These APIs are perhaps the most famous to folks without programming experience, due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the abuses of data that resulted for them.

You can find a detailed documentation here

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Goodbye have a nice day!


Arya Tuba Durgun

Tuesday, Aug 17, 2021