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Mental Health

What is Emotional Intelligence?

EI is the ability to:

1. Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions &

2. Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.

In simple terms , EI means being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact people (positively and negatively), and learning how to manage those emotions – both our own and others.

It’s a scientific fact that emotions precede thought. When emotions run high, they change the way our brain functions, diminishing our cognitive abilities, decision-making powers, and even interpersonal skills.

Understanding and managing our emotions (and the emotions of others) helps us to be more successful in both our personal and professional lives.

In his book “Working With Emotional Intelligence”, Daniel Goleman cites the Harvard Business School research that determined that EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be successful.

In a 2003 Harvard Business Review, it is reported that 80% of competencies that differentiate top performers from others are in the domain of Emotional Intelligence.

At work, emotional intelligence can help us to:

1. Resolve conflicts.

2. Coach and motivate others.

3. Create a culture of collaboration.

4. Build psychological safety within teams.

At a personal level, emotional intelligence can help us to:

1. Have uncomfortable conversations without hurting feelings.

2. Manage our emotions when stressed or feeling overwhelmed.

3. Improve relationships with the people we care about.

Daniel Goleman presents five categories of emotional intelligence:

1. Self-awareness

If a person has a healthy sense of self-awareness, he understands his own strengths and weaknesses, as well as how his actions affect others.

A person who is self-aware is usually better able to handle and learn from constructive criticism than one who is not.

2. Self-regulation

A person with a high EQ can maturely reveal her emotions and exercise restraint when needed. Instead of squelching her feelings, he/she expresses them with restraint and control.

3. Motivation

Emotionally intelligent people are self-motivated. They're not motivated simply by money or a title.

They are usually resilient and optimistic when they encounter disappointment and driven by an inner ambition.

4. Empathy

A person who has empathy has compassion and an understanding of human nature that allows him to connect with other people on an emotional level.

The ability to empathize allows a person to provide great service and respond genuinely to others’ concerns.

5. Social skills

People who are emotionally intelligent are able to build rapport and trust quickly with others on their teams. They avoid power struggles and backstabbing. They usually enjoy other people and have the respect of others around them.

Steps to improve and develop emotional intelligence:

1. Acknowledge emotions.

2. Differentiate and analyze emotions.

3. Accept and appreciate your emotions.

4. Reflect on your emotions and their origin.

5. Handle your emotions.

Check this out:

1. 6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence | Ramona Hacker | TEDxTUM

2. Daniel Goleman on Focus: The Secret to High Performance and Fulfilment

Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Balance

Emotional intelligence is considered to play a crucial role in the modern work life. It's principles' help in evaluating employee behavior, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills and potential.

It is also considered to have great relevance in areas like job profiling, planning, recruitment and selection. Moreover, another major advantage of emotional intelligence is that it allows people to better understand and manage emotions.

It also helps in understanding one’s own conduct as well as his or her relationship with others.

It is considered that workers with higher emotional intelligence will have higher work life balance. This is because the workers/employees with higher emotional intelligence are able to cope with consequences which may arise out of stress whereas those with less emotional intelligence won’t be in a position to overcome the stress situations.

In addition, in a group setting employees with higher EI will be able to influence the emotions of others in such a manner that, they will be able maintain a satisfied personal and professional life. Emotional intelligence is a topic of growing interest in organizations and research.

Modern technology and globalization have led the human race into a zooming life where the risks involve dare high.

Most people in organizations today undergo motions of crumbling trust, jarring uncertainty, stifled creativity, distance between managers and co-workers, and vanishing loyalty and commitment.

Well, that's it from my side. I hope it all helped you!

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Goodbye have a nice day!


Vijaya Krishnan

Monday, Jul 19, 2021