Archi's Academy


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Software Development

Computer Science

Project Management

I know you are wondering about the title of this blog. Being able to solve a problem that you have already known about or know familiar things which are in your field is easy to deal with. What about things, subjects, or choices that are unfamiliar to you? It’s quite risky to enter a new field without any experience and you are totally dependent on your guide. So, we call it going out of your comfort zone. I can easily tell you about Software and many subjects which I've covered until now. While reading this text please consider me as an English Language Teacher that I studied as a major and consider how upside-down choices can affect people positively.

What is Software?

It is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. Software is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable.

What is Software Development?

Software Development is a set of computer activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying, and supporting software.

<u> Types of software: </u>

1. System software - It is a set of programs that control and manage the operations of computer hardware. It also helps application programs to execute correctly. Types: OS, Device Drivers, Hardware management.

2. Programming Software - It is a program or set of programs that help the software developers by assisting them in creating, debugging, and maintaining other programs or apps. Examples: Eclipse, Wolfram Matematica, Sublime Text, Java.

3. Application Software - It is a term that is used for software created for a specific purpose. It’s generally a program or collection of programs used by end-users. Example: Uber, Airbnb, FB, Whatsapp.

What is SASS?

We can exemplify a SASS as:

-> CSS preprocessor

-> Most popular

-> Advanced CSS

-> Basic CSS require

-> SASS makes CSS easier

<u> Without learning CSS, learning SASS is difficult. </u>

There are SASS patterns you can google and learn more about them.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project throughout its life cycle. An iterative or agile life cycle consists of multiple iterative or incremental steps to complete a project. Iterative approaches are often used in software development projects to promote speed and adaptability. The advantage of iteration is that instead of following a linear path, you can adapt over time. One of the goals of an agile or iterative approach is to bring benefits throughout the process, not just at the end of the process. At the core of an agile project is to show core values ​​and actions such as trust, flexibility, empowerment, and collaboration.

Waterfall Project Management

-> Traditional Methodology

-> Useful when there is a fixed scope

-> Linear execution of tasks

-> Critical industries such as the military still use this

Scrum Framework

In Scrum Framework, a fixed time slot called SPRINTs for tasks are allocated. Developers choose from a backlog of tasks. SPRINT length can be from a week to 4 weeks. There will be shippable features at the end of each SPRINT.


Kanban is a workflow management method for defining, managing and improving services that perform knowledge work. It is designed to help you visualize your work, maximize efficiency, and continuously improve.

-> It is a continuous process.

-> It has 3 major stages:

1. To-do

2. In progress

3. Resolved

-> There are no time-based boundaries like SPRINTS.

-> Work in progress of a team's capacity is what determines the amount of work that gets done.

Tools used in the industry

-> JIRA (most popular)

-> ASANA (to do own to-do list)

-> Trello (specifically used for Kanban)

-> MS-Projects (Mostly for Waterfall based projects)


Jira Software is part of a family of products designed to help teams of all types manage work. Originally, Jira was designed as a bug and issue tracker. But today, Jira has evolved into a powerful work management tool for all kinds of use cases, from requirements and test case management to agile software development.

For teams using agile techniques, Jira Software offers out-of-the-box scrum and kanban boards. The board is a task management hub that maps tasks into customizable workflows. The board provides visibility into teamwork and insight into the status of each work item. Time tracking capabilities and real-time performance reports (burn-up / down charts, sprint reports, speed charts) allow teams to closely monitor productivity over time.

Problem> This is the essence of Jira and represents all work items that require human action. Epics, stories, bugs, tasks, etc. are all themes. Each ticket created in Jira is called an issue.

Project> Output Collection.

Workflow> Transitions between a set of states that a problem may have in a project and states that the problem may pass through.

Version> Help track version of the software. In Scrum, versions are pre-planned and released when planning work is complete. Kanban allows you to release a version containing all the issues completed at that time at any time.

Component> Function for creating subsections of a project. Used to group tasks in a project.

This blog was a summary of some titles which I’ve covered until now. I hope you can find useful information in this blog. However, this blog does not contain all information about this title but the main purpose of it is just to be an influencer. I wanted to show how impossibilities can change possibility after a while or after you believe. Thank you!

Drop a like and share it if you find it informative. Meet you in the next blog, have a good day!


Murat Annayev

Monday, Feb 21, 2022